When the 🌎World is 🤺Against You 😓



When the world 🌎 is against🤺 you, pick up your sword 🏹🔪
☝️G-D IS ALWAYS WITH US, strength🏋️‍♂️💪 from Him is our reward🏆🥇

I’m not a good 😒person, and I 😠curse a lot
But ☝️G-D knows my heart 💛 – I love Him with all I’ve got 🤗

When the world 🌍 is against 🚫 me or those that I love💕
I use all I have 👩‍⚖⚖to give them a righteous shove ⛰🏔

I pray🙏 for my enemies👥🕴👤 even if I’d like to punch👊🥊 them
But, I hope and 🏇🏄‍♀️⛷strive to be a better gem💍

I don’t want to be a 🙍‍♀️hateful person,
🛐Lord, help me deter⚠️ from transgression 🔥

Father ☝️G-D I trust in you… 👂hear my 🙏plea, and be with me👱‍♀️

Also be with those who🤐😕😔🙃 struggle, while WE are all stuck inside this bubble ➡️🌍 … Amen!


Anonymous 💙


4 thoughts on “When the 🌎World is 🤺Against You 😓

  1. Reblogged this on From guestwriters and commented:
    How often does it not happen we feel like the world being against us.

    In this posting we may find pictograms for expressing what may be inside a persons heart and/or mind. Those thought may not always in line with what God expect from us.But feeling such bad way that does not mean we should act the same as we feel in our inner battle.

    Knowing God is with us, we can conquer those bad feelings and try with our good heart to show brotherly love even to our enemies, in the hope to weaken their heart and showing the other ways of life, giving them an opportunity to come to see the light and the way to God.

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